Georgia Aurelia

Georgia Aurelia has built her sanctuary of movement that she names AuraLogica, since 2015. She has gained knowledge from studying Exercise Science in Lethbridge, Pranayama and Ashtanga Yoga in India, Rocket Yoga living in Barcelona and Kids Yoga from volunteering with refugees in Greece. Her love for hulahoop dance and movement, also began in 2015 and has connected her to many flow artists from different corners of the world where she was also able to study under them. Being back in Canada, it has encouraged her to share her love for movement in creative and new ways, such as hulahoop yoga. You can find Georgia living in Nelson, BC, instructing yoga at a local studio, growing her passion for performing and diving into new possibilities of teaching.
Website: https://www.auralogica.net/
IG: @auralogica
Hulahoop Tips & Tricks
Some say the hulahoop originates from the Indigenous culture. The hoop, to this day, is still a sacred prop that is used in their traditional dances, to demonstrate both static and dynamic shapes, which represent various animals, symbols and storytelling elements. In this workshop, we will be learning to tell a story with our body and a hulahoop by building fluidity onto different parts of our temple. Hulahooping plays with coordination when attempting various tricks, such as twirling, rolling and throwing. It also strengthens the core and upper body which can help decrease low back pain! This workshop is beginner friendly and experienced hoopers are very much welcome as well.