Tahni Fornes

Tahni Fornes RTC is a somatic psychotherapist and bodyworker in private practice in Nelson, B.C.
She specializes in supporting people in healing from trauma, especially the hurts and patterns that come from not being met well by our childhood caregivers. She helps people to create a more loving relationship with themselves, repattern their nervous systems, learn healthy and effective communication, and self-actualize into the full aliveness of their embodied essence! Her area of expertise includes polyvagal theory and attachment theory.
She is passionate about this beautiful work!
Website: www.tahnifornes.com
IG @joyfullifecoaching / @tahnifornes / @joyfulbodymassage
Awakening to a Deeper Belonging
Who are you? What is the ‘Self’? Open your mind and awaken your senses to a deeper belonging beyond the solo-self. Get nerdy with neuroscience and quantum physics while enjoying an experiential journey.