Heather Boyer

Heather Boyer is a certified Yoga and Pilates teacher, with over 1000 hours of yoga and
movement training. She has also been a practicing Registered Massage Therapist since 2007.
Her study of Myofascial Anatomy and understanding of Tensegrity has brought her to explore
how yoga and somatic movement practices can help to maintain health and facilitate the
healing process. Heather supports people to connect to their body for healing, relaxation, and
building of movement patterns that create more strength, ease and fluidity. Her teaching
explores the body somatically through guided relaxation and fluid expressive movement
connecting with breath and core. She believes that when we feel stable, fluid, and open in our
body that this spreads out into our lives, and in our connections with others, allowing us to be
more rooted in our truths, and to the wisdom of love that exists in our hearts.
IG: @soulove_magiclife
Tensegrity Repair Workshop: Embodied Anatomy & Functional Movement & Somatic Yoga Flow
Tensegrity Repair Workshop: Embodied Anatomy & Functional Movement: Discussion and somatic exploration of Biotensegrity, and how the 6 limbs of the body connect to core through a functional movement and tapping practice. Looking at how the body is organized and connected though the fluid fascial system. Learn to embody postures and movements, based on developmental patterns that help to open, rehydrate, repair and align the body tissues. Pilates and Tensegrity movement fundamentals are taught as therapeutic sequences for building core stability, restoring mobility, re-patterning movement, and healing.
Somatic Yoga Flow : Explore the body somatically through movement, breath and sound. Learn somatic release breaths and discover how sound vibration opens and moves energy through the body. Cultivate awareness of pelvic floor, core muscles, and midline connections, while observing the sensations and feelings arising within the body, as we move through a gentle yoga flow practice that aims to settle and strengthen the nervous system. When we are settled and connected to our center, it helps us to open our heart, connect with others, and build on our capacity to feel and express our love, passion, creativity, and purpose.